Ohio LLC Name Search

Business person at desk and computer

This post will show you how to search for Ohio business names using Ohio’s free entity search tool.

To verify the availability of the name, an LLC name search is required before you can file the necessary documents for your new LLC.

It is important to ensure that your name is different from any other LLCs in the state.

The State’s online database allows you to search for the name of a business entity and its availability.

Before you search for an LLC to incorporate your business, here are some things to keep in mind.

Most states have no requirements for names. Your LLC name can be abbreviated LLC, L.L.C., or Limited Liability Company.

Each state has its own rules and regulations. The majority of people choose LLC.

 Save Time With An LLC Service

Find Your State’s Filing Fee
Step #1 Visit Incfile
Step #2 Click ‘Incorporate Now’ or ‘Launch My Business’

Incfile Launch business
Step #3 Select “Entity Type” & ‘State of Formation’

Results ‘Gold Plan’ $149
This example,$50 State Fee for Arkansas

Incfile LLC Arkansas

The state determines state fees. Some are $45, $100, $300+

The name must be distinguishable and clearly unique. For example, if there is a business entity named ABC Plumbers, Inc., ABC Plumbers, LLC would not be available. The name ABC Plumbers & Contractors, LLC would have a better chance of getting approved. The final determination of a name’s availability is the State where the name is attempting to be registered.

Giving Your New Business a Name

When you name something, you get attached to it. Naming your soon-to-be business can only spur your decision forward. Backing out on the idea will be less of an option.

When forming a company, you and your co-founders need to brainstorm and decide on a few things, such as your business name. Before contacting the folks at ZenBusiness or Incfile, you need to:

  • Come up with a name that hasn’t been used before. Visit the Ohio Secretary of State website and enter the business name in the Name Availability Search database.
  • Even if unique or derivative, that name shouldn’t sound like an existing one as the Ohio Secretary of State would reject it.
  • Ensure that the name does not violate any Ohio State Law.
  • You can try calling the State Business Information Line at 614-466-3910 and ask them any business name-related questions you might have.
  • For more info, visit the Ohio Secretary of State website.

How To Do A Ohio Business Name Search

Ohio business name search page


Visit the Ohio Business Name Search page https://businesssearch.ohiosos.gov/

In the “Business Name” search box, enter the name that you want to check, without LLC or Inc, at the end and then search. When searching for names in Ohio, remember,

  • Don’t enter LLC after the name or variations (LLC, L.L.C., etc.) while doing searches.
  • Search for both the plural and singular versions of names. For example, if your LLC name has the word “Publishers” in it, also search with “Publisher.”
  • Search the first 1-2 words of your LLC name at first. For example, if your desired LLC name is “Ohio Electrician Service LLC,” search for “Ohio Electrician” and continue searching with some variations.
  • The point is to check for any potential name conflicts and develop a unique business name.

Searching the Ohio database could take a bit of time. Still, with a few searches, you should get a pretty good idea about the business name’s availability that you are interested in registering.

It’s important to note that even when a given business appears to be available, the Ohio Secretary of State will do their own search to confirm availability. There could be name variations or abbreviations that could cause a conflict.

That’s how you can search for a business name in Ohio. Again, the Ohio Secretary of State office will finally determine a business name’s availability.

Ohio Secretary of State

Mailing address:
Ohio Secretary of State
PO Box 670
Columbus, Ohio 43216

Websites & Phone:
OH Secretary of State
OH Business Services
8:00am – 5:00pm, M-F

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