Alabama Business Name Search

Alabama Enterprise Search

An Alabama business entity search is a great way to learn more about a local LLC, or to determine if a company name your LLC would be suitable for you. This process can be complicated but it is possible to make it easier by following a few simple steps.

Alabama LLCName Search, and Name Reservation

In Alabama you can create an LLC by performing a namesearch to verify that the name is available. This is not required by most states, though Alabama is an exception. Online name reservation forms are much simpler and often quicker to fill out. Instant approval can be obtained online for $28. For approval in less than a week, you will pay $10 and $25 respectively. It is also possible to apply by mail.

Name an LLC by following these rules.

  • Your company name must include the letters LLC or L.L.C.
  • There are no forms of corporation or incorporation that you can use.
  • It must be easily distinguishable from existing company name (differences with grammar and designers do not qualify).

Name Reservation Online

The Alabama Secretary of State website can help you get started. The site is very easy to navigate. Follow these simple steps to navigate the site:

  • Select Name Reservation Menu
  • Reserve your Name by Clicking Here
  • Click “Non-Subscriber”
  • Click Continue to fill in the information.
  • When you fill out the New Name Reservation space, be sure to add LLC at the end.
  • Type of Reservation – Domestic
  • Type of Entity – LLC
  • Click on Name Reservation Only
  • Requestor is a -individual

After you’ve completed all these steps you’ll need to agree on terms and conditions, and pay the $28 fee. Soon after submission, approval should be received. After approval, you will need to choose the registered agents and submit the certificate for formation.

Alabama has Restricted Industries

Alabama has a few specific industries that you should be aware of if you plan to open this type of business. Without approval from the Alabama State Banking Department, you can’t use any banking-related terms in a name. If you would like to have insurance or an insurer under your name, you will need to get approval from the Alabama Department of Insurance. Last but not least, if you want your company to use engineering or the word engineer in their name, you will need to prove that you are a licensed engineer through the Alabama Board of Engineers & Land Surveyors.

To be eligible for professional designations, you will need proof of licensure. These include among others, doctors, veterinarians, and attorneys.

Alabama Business Entity Search. Corporation, LLC, Partnership

Search the Alabama Secretary Of State’s database to find a wide range of legal entities, such as Limited Liability Companies and Limited Partnerships.

Once you have received the results, you will be able to access additional information about each entity to help you further your investigation. There are several ways to search for information that can make it easier.

Search by Name

To search the Alabama business database for a specific name, you can follow this link. Additional information such as city, type, formation date, status and location can help to enhance your search. If you click on any of the results you will be able to access additional information such as type, address, creation date and ID number.

Search by Entity Num (6 Digits).

Alabama issues a unique 6-digit entity number to each registered business. It is assigned when a company is formed and registered. This method will return the only business that holds the entity number.

Search by Incorporator (Officer, Agent)

By entering the last name or first name of a person connected to the company, you can search the internet for a business. It is possible to refine the search by knowing which type of officer they are and where the business was formed.